Week-end roséen à Gstaad

Jeudi, dans le cadre élégant du tout nouveau chalet Sandra ; plus de 160 parents réunis le 18 février pour rencontrer nos conseillers aux universités et les responsables des admissions de Yale et UC Berkley (Etats-Unis), Imperial College et Warwick University (Royaume-Uni) et  Science-Po Paris. Session suivie de rencontres entre parents et professeurs  autour du buffet préparé par nos chefs ; rencontres toujours fructueuses.

Vendredi, les traditionnelles Courses du Rosey se déroulent sous un ciel maussade mais l’ambiance est fabuleuse et les slaloms challenging ! Suivent des courses de ski de fond et tournoi de hockey sur glace. Au soir, plusieurs centaines d’Anciens Roséens dînent au Palace pour une soirée somptueuse.

Samedi, l’Association Internationale des Anciens Roséens tient son assemblée ; plus de 600 anciens ont voté pour élire leur nouveau Président : Mehran Azmoudeh (78-87), 46 ans. Et au soir, 200 anciens se retrouvent au Berghaus au sommet du Wassergrat pour une fabuleuse fondue party sur les rythmes endiablés de notre DJ d’un soir, l’inoubliable Fernando ( 97-2000), dit Pucci !

 Dimanche, certains ont encore l’énergie de grimper sur nos montagnes en peu de phoque ! Quel magnifique week-end qui réunit chaque année tant d’amis dans notre village magique et aimé de Gstaad.


The Rosey weekend in Gstaad

On Thursday, in the elegant setting of the new Chalet Sandra, more than 160 parents were present to meet Le Rosey’s university counsellors and university representatives from Yale and Berkeley in the USA, Imperial College London and Warwick in the UK, and Sciences Po in Paris. The information session was followed by informal meetings between parents and teachers over a buffet dinner prepared by our chefs.  Occasions like this are always valuable for all concerned, and this year was no exception.

The Gala night was next. It all started where it usually ends: the Greengo swimming pool! The candlelit Nuit Tzigane cocktail was held around the swimming pool, enlivened by the highly talented IMMA (International Menuhin Music Academy) musicians. Then came the Gala dinner, held in the salle Baccarat, colourfully decorated for a Tzigane night. Parents, Anciens and friends came together over dinner after a short speech from the school’s Steering Committee, presenting the project to which funds from the evening were donated: l’Ecole des Métiers in Mali.  A beautiful evening, and a total of 103,400 CHF was raised to train future teachers in the hotel school department of the Ecole des Métiers. To learn more about this project, please visit the page www.aschoolforlife.ch.

On Friday, the traditional Rosey Races took place under an overcast sky but in a warm atmosphere and with a challenging slalom course.   Then came the cross-country skiing races and the Ice Hockey match.  In the evening, several hundred anciens were at the Palace to enjoy a memorable evening.

On Saturday, the Association Internationale des Anciens Roséens (the AIAR) held its AGM; more than 600 anciens voted in an election which saw 46-year-old Mehran Azmoudeh (78-87) emerge as the new president. And in the evening, 200 anciens met at the Berghaus at the top of the Wasserngrat for a truly marvellous fondue party enlivened by our DJ, the unforgettable Fernando (1997-2000), nicknamed Pucci!

On Sunday, a happy few still had the energy to do some snow-shoeing!  And once again the curtain came down on a magnificent weekend, which every year brings together so many friends in our magical and beloved Gstaad.



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