Model United Nations

On 17 November, Le Rosey welcomed more than 100 student delegates from international schools across Switzerland for an empowering day of debates and diplomacy at Rosey MUN.  

Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational tool that helps students learn about the role of the United Nations and international relations by simulating different countries’ delegations. Delegates must research their represented countries and extend their problem-solving, lobbying, and resolution writing skills. 

This year, delegates demonstrated their knowledge of current events by debating a diverse range of topics from global human trafficking to safeguarding the rights of LGBTQIA+ refugees. These topics highlighted the importance of establishing an early awareness of global issues if we hope to create change that benefits society at large. 

Roséen delegates proved that they are well-informed and passionate about the issues facing today’s world. In addition to their exemplary leadership, Roséens displayed impressive standards of preparation, presentation, and conduct.  

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