Speaker Series: Selina Ringel, Ancienne Roséenne

“Don’t run after the train, BE the train,” says Selina Ringel, award-winning actress, writer, and producer.  

Selina began her presentation by inviting participants to introduce themselves and share what about filmmaking appeals to them, allowing her to draw connections to each Roséen through each anecdote and story she told. She shared her personal journey from Rosey to Hollywood, detailing the hardships and struggles she faced, as well as the success, after starting her own company.  

Ringel gave an inspiring presentation sharing her knowledge on film production, editing, and casting as well as what life is like after graduation. At its core was a message encouraging students to embrace the Rosey motto “actus virtus” – don’t just talk about it—do it; if something doesn’t work out – keep trying! 


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