Author: Le Rosey

The 11th edition of the Alpina Cup was a great success for the Rosey team, despite the rainy weather, with a double victory!  Roséens captured the traditional cowbell trophies in the giant slalom against Gstaad Gymnasium and in the hockey match against Gstaad ice Hockey Club.   This...

Every year, Le Rosey offers 2 to 3 “Honour Trips” for our highest achieving Roséens, offering the chance to broaden their learning beyond the classroom in extraordinary settings. This term, in addition to hands-on experiences in marine biology, navigation, and orienteering, 10 Roséens had the...

Winter sports and fierce competition on the slopes aren't the only defining features of the Rosey Long Weekend. This year, our Guidance office welcomed representatives from Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Oxford, and the University of York to meet with class...

Class 6 Roséens were treated to a visit from one of our Professeurs d'Histoire, who gave the class a first-hand recounting of his family's experiences during World War II. Linked with our model text, "Gas Mask," the class explored wartime artifacts like ration books and...

As a part of the tech programme, Class 4 Roséens had the opportunity to create “smart” homes, combining creativity and sustainability. The group focused on implementing and evaluating different energy-saving measures, such as temperature sensors and automated lighting systems, studying how these measures reduce our...

On Sunday, a motivated group of 13 Roséens donned their gear and set out to begin their Breithorn training, conquering a 700-metre vertical climb summit of La Palette (2171 m). These training sessions are designed for Roséens to experience the high alpine terrain, equipping them with...

The Music Department is buzzing with excitement as we gear up for a busy Gstaad term!  Our School of Rock team members are fine-tuning their repertoire for the upcoming Alpina Cup performance, the Valentine’s Concert, and the highly anticipated Battle of the Bands competition at the...

The Class 6 boys had fun this week on their X-country skis. Learning new skills and enjoying the snow is what it’s all about!      [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="center" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_separator type="transparent" down="30"][button size="small" target="_self" hover_type="default" text_align="center" text="Back to news" link="/news/"][vc_separator type="transparent" down="20"][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

The Rosey-Regent Challenge returned for its second event of the year, kicking off on Friday night with a casual meet-and-greet between the two schools at the trampoline park.   Saturday morning began early with free runs on the piste. After the warmup, each student selected a...

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