Author: Le Rosey

The Class 1 expedition to Glacier 3000 was the perfect way to kick-off the term. Roséens enjoyed skiing in a new location, spending time with their classmates, and creating new memories together. Thanks to the fantastic weather, the journey to the summit provided fantastic views...

In an exciting start to the term, Rosey's mixed junior ski team raced together in a giant slalom event in Schönried on Sunday, January 14th.    The team demonstrated solid teamwork, paving the way for an exciting ski season!    [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="center" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_separator...

Over the weekend, Cl 2 Roséens participated in an intensive avalanche training session, displaying outstanding behaviour throughout the experience. The weekend included an intensive introduction to avalanche safety and training scenarios. Thanks to freezing conditions, a sunny but crisp -12 °, the group fully embraced a true...

On Saturday, 14 January, six Class 1 and 2 students attended the MUN conference at Aiglon College. After many days of preparation, research and writing, Roséens arrived at Aiglon ready to collaborate and debate with students from nine other Swiss schools.   Representing various delegations, including Switzerland,...

Class 5's expedition to Mt. Chevreuils was a delightful weekend in the mountains, with fantastic weather and breathtaking views. Roséens spent Saturday snowshoeing to the mountain hut and stargazing at the summit. The second day brought survival challenges, including making fires in the snow, building...

Roséens have officially settled in to Gstaad for their deuxieme trimestre!    While here, Roséens can participate in winter sports such as skiing up to three times a week and other loved winter pastimes like hockey, curling, winter biking, and skating without impeding their studies.   In addition to...

Like every year, the Cross du Château brought Roséens together to run the 2.3 km course on our campus.  More than a competition, this event celebrates our community spirit, with Roséens cheering on their peers and striving for their personal best. A standout moment was the...

This past weekend, the first group of Class 2 students set off for an adventure in Schonried, and despite encountering challenging weather conditions—snow, cold, and heavy rain—the experience proved to be both interesting and fun.   The less-than-favourable weather added a unique dimension to the weekend....

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