Author: Le Rosey

Le Rosey’s fifth TEDx event was for many the best yet. The quality of the speakers was uniformly high and they came from varied fields: Walter Harris from the University of Arzona spoke about comets and exploring them; Eden Chen from Silicon Valley talked about...

Bertrand Piccard, Swiss psychiatrist and aviator, was the first man to complete a non-stop, round-the-world balloon flight. His most recent exploit was to circumnavigate the globe in a solar-powered, long-range aircraft, Solar Impulse. He was at Rosey this week to give an inspiring talk to hundreds of...

“The horizon: a line between earth and sky between the known and the unknown. A line that both marks our limits and at the same time calls us to go beyond what we know; a line calling us to the unknown and undiscovered. Yet wouldn’t it...

Some encounters change the world, and that between Chen Alon and Suliman Al-Khatib may well be one of them. The former was once a high-ranking officer in Tsahal, the Israeli army, while the second was a member of the nationalist Palestinian party, Fatah, engaged in...

Victor Hugo’s Toilers of the Sea dates from his exile in Guernsey in the 1860s where his own strength, social conscience and stoicism were fashioned into the heroic and ultimately tragic story of an illiterate social outcast, Gilliat. In late September, Rosey students had two opportunities to...

In this era of virtual communication and social media, we’re always hearing about the imminent death of the book (despite the fact book sales continue to rise); but even so, Le Rosey’s English French and Language Departments decided it was important to celebrate the book...

Le Rosey has long claimed to be one of the world’s most international schools – but what does that really mean? A strictly applied quota system limiting students of any one country or linguistic region to 10% of the school’s total population (a system in...

Every year, Le Rosey introduces new défis. These are sporting challenges designed to take Roséens out of their comfort zone as well as to discover some of Switzerland’s most beautiful areas. Last year, fifteen different défis had 600 participants: a half marathon, a swim in a cold Lake Geneva, cycling...

With the laughter and good humour of students returning to meet their friends, the nervous smiles of newcomers and a few discreet tears shed by their parents, the Rentrée is always an emotional time. It is also marked by strong traditions: a cruise on Lake...

Events in the Rosey Concert Hall are always special moments in Rosey life but it becomes absolutely magical when a world-renowned artist explains how her years at Rosey inspired her career. Accompanied by her husband, Rodney Kendrick, Rhonda Ross, who sang at Barack Obama’s inauguration...

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