Author: Le Rosey

Once again Tony thrilled us with a personal visit during the Classique Summer Camp where he met children who had opted for the Tony Parker Basketball training sessions provided by ASVEL, the Lyon/Villeurbanne club of which Tony has been President since 2014. Rosey’s summer camp...

After months of rehearsals and more than 40 hours of auditions to select the pieces for only three hours of performances, after the serious training of our “student “tech crew” with all the professional equipment at their disposal in the Rosey Concert Hall and Black...

Now that the IB and French Bac results are finally in, the final university and college destinations for next year are all but settled. There are one or two re-marks which might decide final destinations and one or two students are hesitating between the UK...

Le Rosey still insists that all students without exception must sit a complete official external diploma, the IB or the French bac. There is no easier alternative track, which makes July 5 – results day –  a nervous occasion for everyone, particularly those depending on good...

The Berlin Philharmonic (or officially, the Berliner Philharmoniker), one of the world’s leading orchestras, was at the Rosey Concert Hall on Wednesday 28 June. And leading the second violins was our own Christophe Horak, an ancien from the 90s. The concert lived up to the...

The International Menuhin Music Academy, the Rosey Concert Hall orchestra in residence, is on a highly successful tour in South America, with concerts in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru; our young prodigies have enjoyed standing ovations from enthusiastic audiences in concert halls, prestigious clubs and Swiss...

Just a few days before the Fête de fin d’année on Friday and Saturday — preceded this year by the Berlin Philharmonic concert on Wednesday evening — the campus is a hive of actvitiy as the school prepares to celebrate Le Rosey’s 137th anniversary [vc_row row_type="row"...

A Rosey Student talks about Play for Peace Play for Peace is an NGO (non-govenmental organisation). Although there are Play for Peace clubs all over the world, in Europe there are only three, and Le Rosey Play for Peace club is one of them. The Play for...

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