Author: Le Rosey

A rather unusual daisy has blossomed on the Rolle campus this spring. A self-cleaning, solar panelled flower, which automatically turns towards the sun (technically a “heliotrope”) now produces enough to fuel the electric cars parked on the Rosey campus. Another addition to spring greenery! ...

We all know that the world of 2017 is radically different from the world many of us grew up in - and the pace of change seems to accelerate every year. While it was once assembly line jobs that were at risk from technological advances, it...

Le Rosey must be the only school in the world with three such different termly rentrées: the beginning of the year in September, Gstaad in January and the beginning of the spring term back in Rolle. This year began smoothly but was enlivened by a special...

Mercredi 8 mars 2017, Le BonHomme hiver roséen est parti entièrement en fumée en 4 minutes 30. (moyenne des 3 dernières années : 3 minutes 40) Le BONHOMME HIVER est une tradition répandue dans les pays où l'hiver occupe de longs mois et où la population se...

The Rosey “Long Weekend” is an age-old school tradition bringing together Roseans, parents and hundreds of anciens  who attend academic meetings and enjoy sporting and social events over three intense days. The highlights: • A university admissions information and Q & A meeting  with representatives of UPenn,...

Roséens were invited to visit the Nespresso factory at Avanches. The combination of marketing glamour, industrial production and the reality of a factory made for an enriching and fascinating afternoon -- and it was particularly interesting for students to look beyond the advertising image of...

This was a great first night-skiing outing.  The students from Chalet Riedhus were asked to calculate the difference between their time and the best time over two slalom legs.  After an excellent fondue the prize-giving ceremony took place in a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere. [vc_row...

It was five years ago that Rosey teachers proposed the idea of a winter sports competition between the local Gymnasium and Le Rosey.  The then newly-opened Alpina Hotel came forward as a sponsor and the competition is now in its fifth year.  The Alpina Cup...

The GP Migros is a famous Swiss ski competition. This series of ski races travels around Switzerland and is open to any child aged from 10 to 16. Our very own Jack finished second in his category and qualified for the GP Migros Final which...

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