Author: Le Rosey

8 weeks of preparation. 18 delegates. 20 hours of debating. 3 awards. Well done to Le Rosey’s MUN team on their successful participation in the Yale Model Government Europe conference in Budapest! 400 delegates from around the world participated in this intense four-day conference, representing European national cabinets,...

Many may remember the 2011 Oscar-winning French film The Artist when millions across the world appreciated the depth and artistry of silent films.  And of course, such films were never truly silent:  they were shown with pianists, organists  or, in certain cases, an orchestra enriching and completing...

On Thursday, in the elegant setting of the new Chalet Sandra, more than 160 parents were present to meet Le Rosey’s university counsellors and university representatives from Yale and Berkeley in the USA, Imperial College London and Warwick in the UK, and Sciences Po in...

On 21 January, in brilliant winter sunshine, the Chalet Sandra, for Rosey girls in classes 5 to 3, was officially opened in Schönried.   The 500 Rosey students and teachers who were present to join in the celebrations then walked back down to the main Gstaad...

Cela fait de nombreuses années que des Roséens collaborent en Roumanie avec Habitat for Humanity pour aider des familles dans le besoin à construire leurs maisons, offrant leur savoir-faire, leurs forces et leur temps de travail gratuit. L’objectif de cette année était de participer à...

C’est mardi 3 novembre de l’orchestre en résidence au Rosey, l’IMMA, a donné son premier concert au Rosey Concert Hall. Son chef Maxim Vengerov, sans doute le plus grand violoniste de notre époque, a ouvert la soirée avec le concerto pour deux violons et orchestre...

The objective of the October trip to Ghana was to assess strengths and weaknesses in three institutions: a hospital, a state school in an urban situation and a private school in the country.  There was also a meeting with  two women's savings groups. With the...

This was an unusual but highly successful addition to Rosey’s service learning projects, where teachers worked with the NGO, “Education for All” (EFA) which, in 2006, identified a need to support Moroccan girls’ secondary education through building and funding boarding houses. These enable girls to...

Le Rosey's Cultural Trips are designed to offer students experiences they would not normally have, and the trip to Oman is particularly true of this.  The accompanying teachers’ report gives some sense of this and why this is a trip to remember:  “As last year, the...

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