Author: Le Rosey

An October“cultural trip” designed to provide students with experiences they would not normally have was to Japan. This was an intense week where as well as visiting Tokyo and (courtesy of a bullet train) the cultural centre of Kyoto with its palaces and temples students,...

On 5 November, Le Rosey's "journée de la Francophonie" - a day dedicated to French language and culture - finished as it should with a play by Molière. The Théâtre du Petit Monde, an excellent Parisian company, performed Le Malade Imaginaire, recounting the confusions and conflicts of...

As part of Le Rosey's weekend Expedition Programme, Class 3 were taken into the Swiss Jura at the weekend where they had hike to their camp 15 Km away near the Lac de Joux. They learnt how to navigate and how to look after themselves...

On Friday, October 2nd nine Swiss schools came together for the first ever Le Rosey MUN conference. The conference was entitled “Who Owns the Arctic?” and dealt with three specific issues: the control of the northwest passage; the legality of drilling in the Arctic; and...

Make a date! TEDxInstitutLeRosey on Saturday 14 November this year will be a special event. The theme is Next? The line-up of speakers is exceptional, and to make it particularly exciting four other schools are collaborating with us. Aiglon, Beau Soleil, Brillantmont and Collège du Léman are all involved...

“Is America increasingly irrelevant?”, telle était le sous-titre volontairement provocateur de la conférence de Nicholas Dungan mercredi dernier sur le thème The End of US Leadership. Comment entend-il cela ? Ce n’est pas que les Etats-Unis aient perdu de leur puissance, mais leur rôle de leader...

Depuis 1981, la Suisse représente les intérêts des Etats-Unis en Iran et tous les contacts entre ces deux pays sont établis par le truchement des diplomates suisses. Et quel meilleur endroit trouver en Suisse que Le Rosey, l’école du Shah, pour parler des développements récents...

Peut-être était-ce la mention de l’équipe de rugby du Rosey dans le roman de J. K. Rowling Le ver à soie (paru en français le 30 septembre 2015) qui l’a stimulée au plus haut niveau ? L’équipe du Rosey a effectué l’an dernier une saison mémorable...

The weekend expedition programme is now well under way and Class 4 students enjoyed a marvellous weekend in Champery with perfect weather and an excellent team spirit. Camping, BBQ’ing Orienteering, Rock climbing and Via Ferrata were the activities on offer. All the students participated with...

For the first weekend of the year and as part of the process of getting to know each other, the Juniors visited the famous Swiss ski resort of Zermatt. The weekend went extremely well, with pupils behaving impeccably—and, of course, making friends.  In spite of the...

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