Le Rosey Employment Opportunities

Assistant(e) Administratif(ve) à 80%

L’Institut Le Rosey à Rolle et Gstaad cherche un(e) Assistant(e) Administratif(ve) à 80%
FR/ANG en CDI. Entrée en fonction le 1er juin 2025.


Votre profil :

  • Polyvalent(e) et autonome – Capable de gérer diverses tâches avec efficacité.
  • Calme et méthodique – Capacité à travailler de manière posée et structurée et avoir une bonne gestion du stress.
  • Très organisé(e) – Aptitude à gérer les priorités et assurer un suivi rigoureux.
  • Flexible – le poste implique de travailler sporadiquement le week-end (via son smartphone).
  • Aisance relationnelle – Apprécie le contact humain.
  • Niveaux de langues – français, C2 ou natif/ve et de l’anglais, C1 ou C2. La maîtrise d’une 3ème langue serait un atout précieux.
  • Excellentes compétences en informatique – MS-Office, MailChimp, etc.
  • Diplôme requis – Titulaire d’un diplôme d’employé(e) de commerce ou équivalent.
  • Expérience indispensable – Minimum 4 ans dans un poste administratif.


Tâches principales

Gestion des documents de voyage

  • Assurer le suivi et le contrôle des passeports, permis de séjour et visas des élèves.
  • Mettre à jour le programme de gestion des passeports.
  • Vérifier les détails de voyage des élèves et organiser les documents nécessaires en collaboration avec les Chefs de maison et Directeurs d’internat.
  • Renouveler les documents de voyage (passeport, permis, visa).


Organisation des déplacements et logistique

  • Planifier et organiser les transports.
  • Réserver les voyages (hôtels, trains, avions, visas).
  • Organiser l’envoi des malles et valises des élèves.


Tâches administratives et communication

  • Établir diverses listes et documents pour l’internat.
  • Gérer la boîte e-mails.
  • Envoyer les mailings via MailChimp.
  • Élaborer divers documents administratifs en lien avec les autorités locales (contrôle des habitants de Rolle, SPOP à Lausanne).
  • Suivre les factures et relevés bancaires.
  • Saisir les informations des nouveaux élèves et assurer la mise à jour.
  • Élaboration des documents administratifs (certificats de scolarité, photocopiesdes passeports, lettres d’invitation …).
  • Assurer la gestion des permis de séjour (obtention pour les nouveaux élèves et renouvellement pour les anciens).
  • Commander et contrôler la distribution des abonnements de ski à Gstaad.


Nous offrons un cadre de travail agréable au sein d’une petite équipe jeune et dynamique, dans un environnement exceptionnel.


Fondé en 1880, l’Institut Le Rosey (www.rosey.ch) propose une éducation bilingue complète en anglais et/ou en français à 440 élèves âgés de 8 à 18 ans, menant au diplôme du Baccalauréat International (IB) ou au baccalauréat français. Il offre également un système unique de double campus, alternant entre un domaine de 30 hectares au bord du lac Léman et le campus alpin de l’école durant le trimestre d’hiver. Le Rosey est accrédité par le Council of International Schools (CIS), la MSA et le BI.


Le Rosey est une communauté particulièrement internationale, avec plus de 70 nationalités représentées parmi les élèves et plus de 20 parmi les collaborateurs. La diversité culturelle et linguistique de ses 460 élèves est assurée par un processus d’admission sélectif, limitant chaque nationalité à un maximum de 10 % des effectifs. Cette mixité multinationale crée une atmosphère unique et chaleureuse sur les campus, tout en renforçant la conscience globale et la compréhension internationale.


De janvier à mars, toute l’école se déplace sur son campus de Gstaad, offrant une expérience unique. Durant cette période, l’Assistant(e) Administratif(ve) joue un rôle clé en assurant la continuité des missions administratives et logistiques à Gstaad.


Merci d’adresser votre dossier de candidature complet ; CV, lettre de motivation, certificats de travail, diplômes et références indispensables, par courriel ici.



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Lingère à 100% CDI

En tant que lingère, vous jouerez un rôle clé dans le maintien du nettoyage, du repassage et du pliage du linge (vêtements des élèves, uniformes, linge de lit, serviettes, etc.) afin d’assurer un environnement propre et soigné aux élèves ainsi qu’au personnel enseignant de l’institut.



  • Trier et traiter le linge selon les normes d’hygiène et de sécurité
  • Assurer le lavage, le séchage, le repassage et le pliage du linge



  • Connaissance des techniques de lavage et d’entretien du linge
  • Maîtrise du repassage et des différentes matières textiles
  • Respect strict des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité
  • Notions de couture pour des réparations de base sont un plus



  • Discrétion et respect de la confidentialité
  • Autonomie et esprit d’initiative
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe et à s’adapter aux besoins de l’institut
  • Sens du service et souci du détail
  • Sens de l’organisation et rigueur



  • Présence requise les jours fériés
    • Horaires fixes avec possibilité d’adaptation en fonction des besoins



  • CDI à 100% à partir du 31.03.2025


Si cette offre d’emploi vous intéresse, veuillez envoyer votre dossier complet en PDF (CV, lettre de motivation, diplômes, certificats de travail de tous vos anciens employeurs, 2 références, photo récente) à job@rosey.ch ou par courrier à : Institut Le Rosey, Madame Stéphanie Da Silva, Le Rosey 3, 1180 Rolle.


Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que nous ne répondrons qu’aux dossiers complets et aux candidats ayant déjà une expérience dans le domaine.


Les candidats retenus seront contactés pour une journée de stage suivi d’un entretien à Rolle.




Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Un couple de Technicien de surface interne CDI à partir du 01.08.2025

En tant que Technicien de surface, vous jouerez un rôle clé dans le maintien de la propreté et de l’hygiène de nos locaux pour toute notre communauté et principalement pour notre tout nouveau bâtiment de Philo.


Profil recherché :

  • Maîtrise des techniques et méthodes de nettoyage
  • Connaissance des produits d’entretien et de leur utilisation appropriée
  • Respect rigoureux des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité
  • Sens de l’organisation et autonomie dans l’exécution des tâches
  • Discrétion et respect des espaces privés et professionnels (matériel, biens, lieux)
  • Rigueur et souci du détail
  • Aptitude à travailler efficacement en équipe


Cahier des charges :

  • Nettoyage et désinfection des espaces communs et privés (chambres des élèves, salons communs, salle de classe, bureaux, couloirs et entrées)
  • Ramassage et distribution du linge privé
  • Changement de literie (lits)
  • Gestion des déchets : collecter et évacuer les poubelles et les trier selon les règles de recyclage en vigueur
  • Assistance pour l’organisation et la logistique des événements


Particularités du poste :

  • Travail un samedi sur deux (de 7h00 à 9h45)
  • Présence requise les jours fériés
  • Obligation de devenir interne avec des avantages comme le logement et la nourriture


Type de contrat : CDI

  • Entrée en fonction : 1 août 2025
  • Lieux : 1180 Rolle


Si cette offre d’emploi vous intéresse, veuillez envoyer vos dossiers complets en PDF (femme et homme) à job@rosey.ch avec : CVs, lettres de motivation, diplômes, certificats de travail de tous vos anciens employeurs, 2 références, photos récentes.


Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que nous ne répondrons qu’aux dossiers complets et aux candidats ayant déjà une expérience dans le domaine !


Les candidats retenus seront contactés pour une journée de stage suivi d’un entretien à Rolle.



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

German Language Teacher For native German-speaking students, in small groups or private lessons


For August 2025, Institut Le Rosey is looking for a native German-speaking language teacher. We seek an enthusiastic and dynamic educator to teach in our secondary classes as well as the International Baccalaureate and the French Baccalaureate.


At Institut Le Rosey, our commitment to mother-tongue language education is central to our curriculum. Your mission will be to stimulate students’ learning, support their academic and personal development, promote diversity, and cultivate excellence.


Required Qualifications:

  • Degree in German language, literature (or equivalent recognised qualification)
  • Recognised teaching qualification (Teaching Permit or Pedagogical Certification)
  • Good knowledge of the IB Diploma Programme
  • Good knowledge of the French Baccalaureate
  • Proven experience teaching students aged 12 to 18
  • Experience teaching in a bilingual or international environment


Desired Profile:

  • German Mother Tongue, with French and / or English proficiency an advantage
  • Passion for education and working with young people
  • Strong academic expertise and teaching skills
  • Solid and confirmed teaching
  • Enthusiastic and Dynamic
  • Adaptability and openness
  • Driver’s license
  • Valid Swiss work permit


We Offer:

  • Generous professional development budget to support career growth.
  • A supportive and dynamic community of educators and learners.
  • Brand new state of the art teaching facilities opening September 2025.
  • French or English lessons for staff (and partners) up to B1 level.


Application Deadline:

Only online applications submitted, in English or French, on TES will be considered. Applications must include 3 referees, one of whom must be your current or most recent employer.


Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview in Rolle in mid-May.


Closing date for receipt of applications : 1 May 2025.



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Bilingual Mathematics Teacher FR/ENG (BF: Mathematics spécialiste + advanced option) and IB

For August 2025, Institut Le Rosey is seeking a full-time or part-time Bilingual Mathematics Teacher (FR/ENG). We are looking for an enthusiastic and dynamic individual, fluent in both French and English, to teach secondary school classes (equivalent to middle and high school) with a strongknowledge of the French Baccalaureate curriculum (Mathematics spécialiste + advanced option) and the International Baccalaureate.


The candidate must be able to teach mathematics in both languages in a way that supports students in achieving academic excellence. They should be capable of stimulating studentslearning, guiding their academic and personal development while fostering diversity and a culture of excellence.


Le Rosey is a boarding school, and the position is residential. Accommodation on campus is provided, along with attractive working conditions. The successful candidate will also be expected to take an active role in boarding life, fully contributing to the well-being and growth of our students.


Required Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree (Master II) in Mathematics (or equivalent recognised qualification)
  • Fluent in both French and English (spoken and written)
  • Strong knowledge of the French Baccalaureate and IB Diploma Programme
  • Experience teaching in a international environment
  • Proven teaching experience with students aged 12 to 18 years


Desired Profile:

  • Passion for education
  • Strong academic expertise and effective pedagogy
  • Enthusiastic and dynamic personality
  • Community spirit: teamwork, communication, and active participation in boarding school life
  • Extra-curricular skills (sports or arts) are a plus
  • Adaptability and openness
  • Driver’s license


We Offer:

  • Le Rosey is a boarding school, and the position is residential. Accommodation and meals on campus are provided, with attractive working conditions. The successful candidate will beexpected to play an active role in studentsextracurricular activities.
  • A generous professional development budget to support career growth.
  • A supportive and dynamic community.
  • Brand-new stateofthe-art teaching facilities opening in September 2025.
  • Winter sports during our term in Gstaad.
  • French or English language courses for their partners up to B1 level.
  • Opportunities for staff memberschildren, subject to admission conditions.


Application Deadline:

Only online applications submitted, in English or French, on TES will be considered. Applications must include 3 referees, one of whom must be your current or most recent employer.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview in Rolle at the end of April

Closing date for receipt of applications : 30 April 2025.



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Part-Time Russian Language Teacher

For August 2025, Institut Le Rosey is looking for a native Russian-speaking language teacher for a part-time position. We seek an enthusiastic and dynamic educator to teach in our secondary classes as well as the International Baccalaureate and the French Baccalaureate.

At Institut Le Rosey, our commitment to mother-tongue language education is central to our curriculum. Your mission will be to stimulate students’ learning, support their academic and personal development, promote diversity, and cultivate excellence.

Required Qualifications:

  • Degree in Russian language, literature (or equivalent recognised qualification)
  • Recognised teaching qualification (Teaching Permit or Pedagogical Certification)
  • Strong knowledge of the IB Diploma Programme
  • Proven experience teaching students aged 12 to 18
  • Experience teaching in a bilingual or international environment


Desired Profile:

  • Russian Mother Tongue, with French and / or English proficiency an advantage
  • Passion for education and working with young people
  • Strong academic expertise and teaching skills
  • Solid and confirmed teaching
  • Enthusiastic and Dynamic
  • Adaptability and openness
  • Driver’s license
  • Valid Swiss work permit


We Offer:

  • Generous professional development budget to support career growth.
  • A supportive and dynamic community of educators and learners.
  • Brand new state of the art teaching facilities opening September 2025.
  • French or English lessons for staff (and partners) up to B1 level.


Only online applications submitted, in English or French, on TES will be considered. Applications must include 3 referees, one of whom must be your current or most recent employer.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview in Rolle in mid-May.

Closing date for receipt of applications : 30 April 2025.


Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Dance Teacher

Institut Le Rosey, an international boarding school in Switzerland with a strong Performing Arts Department, is seeking an enthusiastic and energetic Dance Teacher to join our staff on a part-time basis.


We are looking for a ballet specialist who is also at ease teaching other dance styles including contemporary, modern, and jazz. The ideal candidate will inspire students of all levels, from total to beginners to advanced dancers, and be comfortable teaching all ages from eight- to eighteen-year-olds, fostering both technical excellence and a love for dance.


Position Details:

  • Part-time role from April 2025 with a variable schedule depending on performing arts projects.
  • Approx. 10 to 12 hours per week on our Rolle campus in Term 1 (September to December) and Term 3 (April to June), with the possibility to develop further. Term 2 (January to March), on our winter campus in Gstaad, requires fewer hours.
  • Most classes take place between 16h and 19h on weekdays.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Teach dance to students of varying ages and skill levels
  • Choreograph and prepare students for performances and school productions
  • Inspire creativity while maintaining strong technical foundations
  • Collaborate with others across the performing arts department


Qualifications & Skills:

  • Extensive dance training with professional experience
  • Proficiency in different dance styles
  • Prior teaching experience to children of different ages
  • Fluent in English; French language skills are a plus.
  • Strong communication, organization, and mentoring abilities


If you are a passionate dance educator eager to work with children and adolescents in an exceptional setting, we would love to hear from you!


To apply, please submit your CV, cover letter, and any supporting materials showcasing your teaching and choreography experience to Rachel Gray, Artistic Director, Institut Le Rosey rgray@rosey.ch before 25th March 2025.


Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Sports Stagiaire 2025-2026

Le Rosey is recruiting a Sport Assistant Intern for the upcoming academic year (2024-2025) based on its two campuses in Rolle and Gstaad in Switzerland.


The role of the Sport assistant intern will be to organise and lead afternoon sport activities, especially in tennis and soccer, for students during the academic week; to organise and lead weekend events for students while being fully immersed in the boarding life of the school.


Please find the full job specification and requirements in the document here.


Applicants should send their CV and Cover Letter to sportjob@rosey.ch


Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Un Jardinier à temps plein

Début du contrat :

  • Tout de suite ou à convenir


Lieux :

  • Rolle
  • Possibilité d’être interne, avec hébergement et repas pris en charge sur le campus.


Mission :

Rejoignez l’École du Rosey et participez à l’entretien et à l’embellissement de nos espaces verts en réalisant divers travaux de jardinage et d’aménagement paysager.


Profil souhaité :

  • Bonne expérience du métier (minimum 3 ans)
  • Bonne connaissance des fleurs et des plantes
  • Motivé et créatif, capable de travailler en équipe et de façon autonome
  • Polyvalent dans les différents domaines horticoles. La connaissance en permaculture et en maraichage est un atout supplémentaire
  • Bonne connaissance de la taille d’arbres (fruitiers et ornement)
  • Capable de réaliser la petite maçonnerie
  • Capable d’utiliser des machines de jardin
  • Petite notion en mécanique
  • Entretien de piscine, un atout supplémentaire
  • Personnalité sympathique et dynamique
  • Ponctuel
  • Soigneux avec le matériel
  • Permis de conduire cat. B


Cahier des charges :

  • Travaux de création et entretien des espaces verts (parcs et jardin)
  • Désherbage manuel
  • Diverses tailles (haie, arbres, arbustes, vivaces…)
  • Débroussaillage, fauchage et tonte
  • Récoltes de fruits et légumes
  • Soins des cultures (arrosage, tuteurage, traitement…)
  • Entretien des outils et machines
  • Entretien léger des diffèrent terrains de jeux (tennis terre battu, foot et rugby synthétique…)
  • Piégeages (campagnols)
  • Participer au bon fonctionnement d’une petite ferme pédagogique
  • Participation au chargement des camions (déménagement annuel du campus, la saison d’hiver)
  • Participation aux décorations florales l’ors d’évènements


Les candidats retenus après la première sélection seront contactés en vue de 2 jours d’essai à Rolle.

Si vous êtes passionné(e) par votre métier et que vous souhaitez rejoindre une équipe motivée, envoyez-nous votre dossier complet (CV / références / lettre de motivation / certificats) à l’adresse suivante : jardins@rosey.ch


Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Tech Coach and Lab Manager

For July/August 2025 we are seeking a Tech Coach and Lab Manager, responsible for leading technology related activities and competitions, supporting student and staff with technology projects and overseeing the daily operations and strategic development of the school’s Tech Lab. This role fosters a culture of creativity and innovation, supports both students and staff in using our school Techlab effectively and ensures smooth management of the space.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Plan, lead, and evaluate technology-related activities, workshops, and projects for students aged 8 to 18.
  • Mentor and advise students, staff and start-ups on technology-related projects, particularly those working on senior projects with machining and prototyping needs
  • Lead and coach students in technology related competitions (for eg. VEX Robotics or CAD competitions).
  • Lead/assist with Technology classes during the academic block.
  • Oversee all operational aspects of the TechLab, ensuring efficient, effective and safe use of resources.
  • Manage tool usage, orders, inventory, and consumables to support the smooth functioning of all machines, including CNC, 3D printers, laser cutters, soldering stations, Robotics kits, VR and other equipment.
  • Ensure the organisation and tidiness of all equipment, tools, and materials, maintaining a workspace conducive to productivity and safety.
  • Lead preventative maintenance, repairs, and equipment replacement to uphold safety and operational standards, maintaining detailed schedules for all equipment. Act as the liaison with technical support for equipment repairs and servicing.
  • Conduct orientation and safety training for all users, ensuring compliance with rules, policies, and safety standards.
  • Lead and coordinate a team of “student technicians,” including their recruitment, training, and supervision to provide hands-on support, design guidance, and equipment training.
  • During summer camps (July and August) lead the Tech Academy Program in the morning and two robotics activities in the afternoons.


We Offer: 

  • Competitive salary and benefits
  • Generous holidays and professional development budget to support career growth
  • Brand new state of the art facilities.
  • A dynamic and supportive work environment committed to innovation in education.
  • On-campus accommodation (for those in boarding) with meals provided and attractive conditions of work.
  • Excellent tuition and opportunities for children of staff members subject to admission requirements.


Only online applications submitted on TES will be considered. Applications must include 3 referees, one of whom must be your current or most recent employer.


Closing date for receipt of applications: 5 March 2025.


We reserve the right to fill the position before the application deadline.


Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Régisseur scène/lumière/son polyvalent (H/F)

Régisseur scène/lumière/son polyvalent (H/F) CDI à 100%


Profil recherché :

  • Diplômé(e) d’une formation supérieure en régie lumière, arts du spectacle, ou ayant une expérience significative dans le domaine du spectacle vivant
  • Maîtrise de la chaîne électrique et de l’éclairage (l’habilitation électrique est souhaitée) ; la connaissance des jeux d’orgues (famille EOS d’ETC) serait un plus
  • Bonne maîtrise des outils informatiques : PowerPoint, Excel, Word, QLab, Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Vectorworks
  • Personne motivée, rigoureuse, organisée, autonome, disponible, réactive, polyvalente, et apte à travailler en hauteur et sur nacelle
  • La pratique de l’anglais est indispensable
  • Goût prononcé pour le travail en équipe
  • Connaissances des normes et pratiques de sécurité.
  • Grande disponibilité (travail en soirée, jours fériés et week-ends
  • Sens pédagogique et avoir de l’humour sont des atouts précieux !
  • Permis de conduire obligatoire


Cahier des charges :

  • Mise en œuvre des dispositifs techniques pour les différentes scènes et salles
  • Étude et analyse des fiches techniques
  • Installation, réglage et encodage des systèmes d’éclairage
  • Installation et utilisation des systèmes sonores
  • Montage et mise en place des expositions
  • Conception et création d’un plan feu
  • Accueil technique des intervenants, artistes et conférenciers
  • Utilisation de la machinerie et du mobilier scénique
  • Montage et démontage des équipements pour les conférences et spectacles
  • Veille au respect des règles et consignes de sécurité
  • Instruire les élèves intéressés lors de cours de formation de base (en anglais) sur l’éclairage, la régie scénique et le son
  • Maintenance régulière du matériel et des locaux


Nos atouts :

  • Un environnement de travail jeune, dynamique, stimulant et professionnel
  • Une salle de concert en développement, avec une notoriété internationale
  • Une Black Box dédiée au théâtre et aux concerts pop/rock
  • Une salle de répétition équipée pour un orchestre de chambre de jusqu’à 40 musiciens
  • Un pitch-room, salle polyvalente pour divers usages
  • Une grande diversité de missions et un encadrement formateur de qualité



Particularités du poste :

  • Travail en soirée, jours fériés et week-ends
  • Avoir de l’expérience comme régisseur lumière /son/scène, dans le spectacle vivant, en tournée ou dans une salle – Le salaire suivra selon l’expérience


Type de contrat : CDI à 100 % (F/H)

  • Entrée en fonction : 1 juin 2025
  • Lieux : 1180 Rolle


Si cette offre d’emploi vous intéresse, veuillez envoyer votre dossier complet (CV, lettre de motivation, diplômes, certificats de travail, références) à rmeyer@rosey.ch

ou par courrier à l’adresse suivante : Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, À l’attention de René Meyer, Institut Le Rosey, 1180 Rolle


Les bâtiments visionnaires et novateurs « Paul & Henri Carnal Hall » et « φlo » sont situés sur le campus du Rosey à Rolle, en Suisse.

Ces espaces offrent aux élèves des salles d’art, de musique et de conférences d’un niveau professionnel, ainsi qu’un Learning Center et des espaces conçus pour réinventer l’enseignement au-delà des salles de classe traditionnelles.

Le Rosey Concert Hall, (www.roseyconcerthall.ch) une salle de 900 places, est conçu pour accueillir des concerts, des pièces de théâtre, des comédies musicales, des conférences et une grande variété d’événements culturels. Dotée d’une scène de 183 m², d’une acoustique de pointe et d’une attention minutieuse à chaque détail, cette salle exceptionnelle est idéale pour savourer des instants de culture, de musique et d’art lors de représentations inoubliables.

Une Blackbox de 227 m² offre un espace parfait pour des spectacles plus intimistes et modernes, grâce à sa flexibilité et à son adaptabilité complète.

Une salle de répétition, conçue pour accueillir un orchestre de chambre de jusqu’à 40 musiciens, propose un environnement acoustique idéal pour toute activité musicale.

Enfin, un pitch-room polyvalent de 390 m², situé au sein du bâtiment φlo, permet d’organiser des présentations de projets, des conférences ou des événements artistiques dans un cadre dynamique et inspirant.



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.

Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Teacher of English Language and Literature (Applications Closed)

For September 2025 we are seeking applications from enthusiastic and skilled teachers for the full-time position of Teacher of English Language and Literature.


The successful candidate will be a dedicated educator with the qualifications and experience to teach English throughout the senior school, up to English A Literature/Language and Literature for the IB Diploma Program. The successful candidate will have a degree in English literature, be a voracious reader, and willing to teach authors from Geoffrey Chaucer to Helen Oyeyemi. They will enjoy the collaboration, innovation, and lively discussion of our friendly and energetic department.


We Offer:

  • On-campus accommodation (for those in boarding) with meals provided and conditions of work are attractive.
  • Generous professional development budget to support career growth.
  • A supportive and dynamic community of educators and learners.
  • Brand new state of the art teaching facilities opening September 2025.
  • Ski pass
  • French lessons for staff (and partners) up to B1 level.
  • Excellent tuition and opportunities for children of staff members subject to admissions requirements.


Only online applications submitted on TES will be considered. Applications must include 3 referees, one of whom must be your current or most recent employer.


Closing date for receipt of applications: 10 February 2024.
We reserve the right to fill the position before the application deadline.



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Teacher of IB Diploma Economics (Applications Closed)

For September 2025 we are seeking applications from enthusiastic and experienced teachers for a full-time position of Teacher of IB Diploma Economics.


Economics is a popular choice for our students and forms one of the largest departments on the IB programme. Our aim for all students is to create a culture of passion and enthusiasm for Economics in the classroom, and to develop a wider appreciation of its relevance and importance to everyday life. We are seeking an engaging and dynamic teacher to join our friendly, positive department which sets high academic expectations. We also offer a one-year pre-IB course in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE).


Key Responsibilities:

  • To plan and teach IB Diploma Higher and Standard Level Economics.
  • To collaborate with colleagues to teach a one-year pre-IB curriculum in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
  • To participate in and contribute to whole school activities, enhancing the holistic educational experience for students.
  • To have a willingness to supervise extra-curricular activities that inspire students to learn more about the subject and understand the world around them.


Qualifications and Experience:

  • A degree in Economics or closely related field.
  • Teaching qualification.
  • A minimum of 3 years’ experience teaching Economics at senior high school / A level / IB Diploma.
  • The ability to teach fluently in English. A working knowledge of French would be advantageous.
  • The ability to use new technologies effectively to facilitate learning and teaching.
  • Experience in international schools and/or boarding schools desirable.


We Offer:

  • Le Rosey is a boarding school and the post will be residential. On-campus accommodation and meals are provided and conditions of work are attractive. The successful applicant will be expected to play an active role in boarding life.
  • Generous professional development budget to support career growth.
  • A supportive and dynamic community of educators and learners.
  • Brand new state of the art teaching facilities opening September 2025.
  • Ski pass
  • French lessons for staff (and partners) up to B1 level.
  • Excellent tuition and opportunities for children of staff members subject to admissions requirements.


Only online applications submitted on TES will be considered. Please apply here. Applications must include 3 referees, one of whom must be your current or most recent employer.


Closing date for receipt of applications: 10 January 2025.


Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Peintre-Plâtrier (H/F à temps plein) (Applications Closed)

Début du contrat : 06.01.2025
Lieu : Rolle


Réalisation des travaux de peinture, des retouches de plâtrerie au sein de nos divers bâtiments.


Qualifications exigées
• CFC de peintre – plâtrier ou formation jugée équivalente
• Expérience en tant que peintre – plâtrier (Apprentissage reconnu comme expérience)
• Français parlé
• Permis de conduire


Profil recherché
• Connaissances maîtrisées et exercées
• Autonomie et capacité à travailler en équipe
• Discrétion, rigueur et sens du détail


Nous offrons
• Contrat à durée indéterminée
• Environnement de travail dynamique et respectueux


Délai de candidature : 10 décembre 2024


Les candidats retenus après la première sélection seront contactés en vue de 2 jours d’essai à Rolle courant décembre.

Si vous êtes passionné(e) par votre métier et que vous souhaitez rejoindre une équipe motivée, envoyez-nous votre dossier complet (CV / références / lettre de motivation / certificats) à l’adresse suivante : à job@rosey.ch



Institut Le Rosey is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff to share this commitment. All new employees are required to undertake a security clearance, which includes providing criminal records reports as well as a special excerpt from the Swiss criminal records for people working with children.


Le Rosey is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through valuing diversity. Staff, students, and teachers work toward the furthering of an inclusive and supportive environment. As such, we encourage and welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Applying for teaching posts at Le Rosey

Le Rosey employs nearly a hundred full- and part-time academic, music and sports teachers, about half of whom are full-time academic teachers on English-speaking programmes. Teachers come from across the world, and it is school policy to maintain a mix of nationalities and approaches to match the bilingual and international character of the school. The majority are from the UK, but many other nations are represented, especially the USA and Australia. Le Rosey also employs an important number of French-speaking teachers recruited from France, Switzerland, Canada and Belgium. The teaching faculty is also enormously enriched by native-speaker language and literature teachers from across the world who teach a remarkably high number of foreign language classes, many of them as IB A literature courses.


Important considerations for all applicants

Le Rosey is a bilingual (English and French) international boarding school with a strong commitment to excellence. The school is not a British boarding school on the continent, an American prep school in Europe or a Lycée français à l’étranger avec internat – and, although it may have elements of all of these, Le Rosey has a strong and distinctive character of its own. Le Rosey expects all candidates to be appropriately qualified, with at least a first degree and a teaching qualification. Relevant teaching experience is of course desirable and we particularly welcome:

  • knowledge and experience of the International Baccalaureate (preferably with IB training)
  • experience of international education
  • a working knowledge of French
  • experience of and/or a commitment to boarding
  • a commitment to holistic educational principles
  • a committment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people
  • evidence of energy and adaptability – this in a school which changes campus twice in the course of a year.


Non-European applications

To our great regret, changes to Swiss law have made it extremely difficult for international schools like Le Rosey to obtain work permits for non-EU citizens. For this reason, applicants without EU passports or Swiss work permits are advised that this reduces their chances of being put on a short list. We will, nevertheless, consider all such applications seriously; and if the nature of the post and the quality of the application make us optimistic about the outcome of what can be a long administrative process, we are ready to undertake it.


Recruitment procedures

Vacant posts are advertised on this website, in the local press and on the Times Educational Supplement (or TES) in the UK www.tes.co.uk.


All applications for advertised posts should be sent as indicated in the advert.

All applications are acknowledged, but candidates who hear nothing further within the following three weeks should assume that their application has been unsuccessful. Those candidates who are placed on the first short list are sent further details, outlining the nature of the post and conditions of work. Candidates whom we decide to interview are contacted by telephone and/or email. Interviews usually take place in the UK or Switzerland. All successful candidates are interviewed in Switzerland at least once before appointment. Travel expenses to Switzerland are automatically and fully reimbursed.



Applications should comprise:

  • a letter of application, indicating candidate’s educational philosophy
  • a complete Curriculum Vitae (including details of all employment, educational qualifications, as well as personal details such as age and family circumstances which may be important for residential considerations
  • a recent photo
  • the names, addresses and relation to the candidate of three referees.


All applications will be treated in confidence.

Aligned with the recommendations of the International Task Force on Child Protection (www.icmec.org/education-portal), Le Rosey holds itself  to a high standard of effective recruiting practices with specific attention to child protection; background checks are carried out, and any candidate eventually appointed will also be expected to provide evidence of his or her suitability for work with children.



Unsolicited and speculative applications

Le Rosey welcomes applications at any time of the year. They are passed on to the appropriate Academic Director who files those of interest. Applicants may be contacted if there is a possibility of future openings, but this is rare, although it is standard procedure to send acknowledgement of receipt. 

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