Alumni & Beyond Le Rosey

Alumni: L’Association Internationale des Anciens Roséens (AIAR)


A structured, dynamic network of Anciens (Rosey alumni) with its own resources, the AIAR is present in the majority of countries across the globe as well as most major cities. It is one of the most effective and lively alumni associations in the world.


Its outstanding success is down to a host of factors: the quality and dedication of its directors and committees, the alumni’s attachment to their former school and the friendships forged there, and the influence of numerous anciens who are prestigious ambassadors for Le Rosey.


Contact: Ms. Daniela ZULUAGA (’05-’08) mail

Meetings and publications


An annual print publication reports on the life of the association. The website, mobile application and directory allow members to find friends or to make new friends throughout the world and to make contact with the AIAR Representatives in each city or each country.



Numerous meetings and trips are organised all over the world for anciens and anciennes.

Beyond Le Rosey

The Rosey Foundation


The Rosey Foundation offers scholarships to students who are especially talented either academically or artistically and who are interested in attending Le Rosey but whose parents cannot cover all the fees. The Foundation has, on average, granted three scholarships a year since 2001. It is also in charge of musical and cultural programmes at the Rosey Concert Hall.  • Mail  mail

Excellence Committee

The AIAR aims to support Le Rosey in producing the outstanding academic record and personal profile required for its students’ applications to the world’s most prestigious universities. This committee organises lectures to share information about universities, offers practical advice and training for interviews, and establishes contact between Rosey students and alumni already studying at universities throughout the world.

Active Summer Programme

This programme offers cultural, academic or professional activities during the summer to provide young Rosey students with insight into the professional world, to strengthen their motivation and to promote their self-confidence. Rosey students who have had the opportunity to participate in these programmes have gained in maturity and speak enthusiastically of them – and universities also value this type of experience when assessing student applications.

Rosey Concert Hall


Your child or children have left Le Rosey; they regularly receive news from their former school and participate in events organised by the AIAR (L’association international d’anciens roséens), but you no longer receive our correspondence…


By becoming a member of the APAR, you will receive regular news from Le Rosey. In addition, you will be invited to events, soirées and Rosey trips organised by the school or by the AIAR, thus maintaining a friendly link with Le Rosey, a school to which you entrusted something very special indeed. And it is a tradition at Le Rosey never to contact you to request financial support for any Rosey project!

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