The Rosey Races brought together Roséens, Anciens, and families for a weekend of friendly competition and alpine spirit!   The festivities started with a walk...

The annual University Summit is a defining moment for Roséens to explore their academic futures. The Guidance team welcomed university admissions officers from...

The JFK School Ski Friendship Race, held on the new lift at Schönried - Lägerlift, brought together ski clubs from the  Saanenland for...

Fresh snow and bright sun, what more can you ask for for the first school school-wide excursion of the year?       [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width"...

Le Rosey hosted the 2nd annual SGIS Symphony Orchestra Festival, bringing together nearly 100 students from eight Swiss schools for three days of...

Roséennes in Chalet Henry enjoyed an evening on the Wasserngrat under the stars. After a fondue, rösti, and meringues at the Berghaus, the...

As part of our “Women in Science” celebrations, we welcomed Claudia Alarcón Lopez, Dr. Patricia Alireza, and Dr. Rita Lobo to campus for...

Spending a night in the snow is no simple challenge, but Class 4 accepted the experiment at the Col du Pillon, digging caves...

Class 6 explored the Moléson mountain range, hiking through the snow, digging snow holes, and learning how use avalanche transceivers.      [vc_row row_type="row"...

Class 3 explored Bern in style, zipping through the city on scooters, visiting the cathedral, and making unforgettable memories of the Swiss capital!     [vc_row...

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