MUN Le Rosey at Yale Model Government Europe conference

A strong team of nineteen Rosey students participated in our fourth YMGE conference this past November in Budapest. The conference was well attended, with 350 delegates from international schools around the world, including Moscow, Dubai, Israel, Kenya and the United States. It is an active, intense three-day experience where delegates represent European national cabinets, UK houses of parliament, NATO and other real-world committees. In addition to a debate topic and agenda for which our students prepare in advance, YMGE introduces a “crisis” on the evening of the second day, challenging participants to solve it by working across committees. It is an exciting experience that allows our students to extend their knowledge of current events, develop international-mindedness and problem-solving skills, and practice parliamentary procedure.

We were very proud of our team’s performance this year, and we now say good-bye to our eight dedicated Class t members. Recruitment for new members will begin in April 2017.

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