The end-of-term festivities continued Wednesday with a packed “Concert de Noël,” where Roséen soloists, duets, and ensembles of all ages charmed parents by...

Through his commitment to sustainability and dedication to innovation, Swiss pilot and entrepreneur André Borschberg is redefining the limits of possibility by bringing...

The 13th edition of the “Cross du Château”, the main school-wide sporting event of the autumn term was an impressive display of Roséen’s...

On 17 November, Le Rosey welcomed more than 100 student delegates from international schools across Switzerland for an empowering day of debates and...

The Zermatt Ski Test Weekend offers the perfect opportunity for Roséens to get a head start on the ski season. Students can test...

The new ice hockey season has just started, and the sports department could not be more excited. This year we have 17 players,...

A group of students participated in our first velodrome défi - a race against the clock on fixed-gear bikes with no brakes!    Students...

Roséens had a fantastic Saturday showing during the 5km Morges Night Run A total of 82 students and four staff members participated, along...

Every year, our Guidance team leads Roséens on university visits designed to broaden their horizons and provide an opportunity to meet with recent...

Now in its sixth edition, the Voyages Honneur Silicon Valley provided an eye-opening experience to a group of the ten Roséens les plus...

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