At the end of the 1923/24 season, Le Rosey's ice hockey team, composed of 3 students and 4 teachers, won the title of...

Congratulations to our Minimes and Moyenne netball teams who showed a strong start to the season in the first ADISR tournament of the...

Ahead of the construction of Le Rosey's new Science and Entrepreneurship Centre, the school has turned to Swarm Intelligence, or collective thinking, to...

Throughout each term at Rosey, students can participate in various défis as part of the weekend Sports programme, designed to push their limits...

As tradition dictates, the end of the rentrée scolaire is marked with the Week-end de connaissance, two days packed full of various activities...

One of the principal roles of Le Rosey’s student comité is to welcome new students at the start of the September term. To...

Le Rosey's 139th school year ended with a music and theatre festival, celebrating a year of record-breaking sporting achievements with 17 inter-school team...

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